
Monday, October 20, 2014

Beautiful Monday!

Hello Monday,

My son is always not fond of Mondays as it is the first day of the week. Time to go to school!!

Anyway, often we think about why “I can’t” why I can’t sing as good as others, why I can’t be a doctor, teacher, engineer like those people. Why I can’t be as good as them.
“I can’t”, “I can’t” keeps feeding us daily. We know it is not healthy for the soul. I often compare and talk to myself with many of the word “I can’t”. So today PAUSE…. I need to think the word “ I can”

So here is the illustration for you. I hope you all enjoy your beautiful Monday!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hello Weekend!

Couldn't be happier that today is FRIDAY! As it means it is family time! 

I hope you all enjoy spending time with family - Have a good weekend Everyone! 

Friday, October 3, 2014

DIY {recycle} table.

Yeah… it has been a while since I’ve write anything on my blog. Partly because I’m unsure what to do with this blog yet. I would like to post things that I love, find, cook, make and draw. But so far I can’t find time to sit down and focus on it. I have a little time now I am trying….

Ok, about DIY table. I find my hand hurts a lot when I type or edit pictures on my old computer table. Just because my table was to small with the little keyboard drawer. I can’t rest my arm on the table so when I typed only my palm touched the table and it caused problems.

I wanted to buy a brand new big computer table but really I don’t want to spend money.  I remember I have an old computer table in the basement. Lucky me I have a hubby who likes to fix things. He fixed the table. I cleaned and painted it white. Then I bought a 6 cube  white organizer from Target. It goes nicely with the table. I am pretty happy with the outcome, especially now I can rest my arm on the table when I draw or type.